Favourite Tech Blogs and Geek News Websites


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Favourite Tech Blogs and Geek News Websites


Whether it’s the newest smartphone and gadgets, apps, technological breakthrough or the next big thing in social networking, there are literally thousands of tech blogs and websites to choose from to fulfil your passion for all things geek.

Here are a few favourites that you might want to bookmark...


1.   TED

TED started out as conference in 1984 bringing together Technology, Entertainment and Design.




Today TED  is a nonprofit with covering a vast array of topics under the mantra Ideas Worth Spreading.

Two main annual events in USA and Uk form the inspiring backbone to the collective worldwide thinktank - TED Conference and TED Global.

The TED Talks free award-winning video website is the online one-stop-shop where you can just dive in to watch and be amazed by some truly groundbreaking talks.




2.   The Verge


The Verge is an American owned technology news and media company launched by Vox Media in 2011.


The Verge


The website features lots of video content, news reviews and in-depth articles.

"Our original editorial insight was that technology had migrated from the far fringes of the culture to the absolute center as mobile technology created a new generation of digital consumers. Now, we live in a dazzling world of screens that has ushered in revolutions in media, transportation, and science. The future is arriving faster than ever."




3.   Springwise

London based SpringWise is all about new innovative commercial ideas and business start-ups tipped to be the next big thing.




Springwise scans the globe with the help of 15,000 spotters for the most promising business ventures, ideas and concepts that are ready for regional or international adaptation, expansion, partnering, investments or cooperation.




4.   Mashable

Peter Cashmore started the social media news blog, Mashable, in 2005 from his home in Aberdeen.




Today, it is one of the world's biggest independent websites with reportedly over 50million page views per month, 3.2million Twitter followers and 1million Facebook fans.

Featuring up to the minute news and views from the world of social media, entertainment,  web development, technology and much more, Mashable is hard to beat for a daily read.




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5.   Wired

The wonderful world of Wired UK explores future tech ideas and concepts, plus science news, reviews and editorial.




The website is the digital version of the well established Wired magazine which is also featured in part on the website and in the available iOS and Android apps.

Still one of the best offline reads too.




6.   TechCrunch

As the name suggests, TechCrunch is all about tech news, feeding over 12 million unique visitors every month with 37 million page views.




TechCrunch also features tech start-ups and new internet products. The website is packed full of lots of diverse posts where some of the writers present stories that dominated the tech world over the past seven days.

Also, check out Disrupt 2020 to be held 14-18 September 2020:

"TechCrunch Disrupt is five days of non-stop online programming with two big focuses: founders and investors shaping the future of disruptive technology and ideas and startup experts providing insights to entrepreneurs."




7.   Gizmodo

Gizmodo UK is one of the latest Gizmodo US regional offshoots featuring posts covering tech and gadgets plus science, space, architecture and design.




Nerdy, chatty, personable with some great up to date content, this site is well worth exploring.

Available in English, French, Dutch, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese.




8.   c|net

CNET is well established US review website covering everything from smartphones to cameras, laptops and gadgets to car tech, home entertainment and lots of other consumer electronics.




CNET has a number of country editions including UK, Asia, Australia, Japan, China, France and Germany.

Popular sections include Crave and Videos - there is also a Price Comparison section which covers just about every gadget you could think of buying.




In summary

We have just scratched the surface when it comes to tech blogs.  We have just given a small snapshot of some of our regular techy geek reads and blog subscriptions.

Lets us know your favourite websites and blogs too - we'll look to update this blog post regularly...



Article by: Tim Bennett

myCloud Media | Yorkshire Web Designers

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