Brand Identity

No matter where a customer finds you – offline, on-site, social, or anywhere else – it’s important that you’re delivering a consistent message across all channels.

When customers receive conflicting messages, they lose trust in a business.

Improve the uniformity of your message by building a strong brand identity that builds trust, improves awareness and understanding, and makes your brand instantly recognisable.


You want your website to convert visitors into loyal customers. Designing it with a brand identity is key to its success.


Brand Identity, Branding, Brand. What’s the difference?

A brand is defined as ‘a person’s perception of a product, service, experience, or organisation’. It’s not the logo, identity or product.

Branding is about creating and shaping the brand according to how you want your brand to be perceived.

A brand’s identity is represented by its visual components (the name, logo, strapline, colour scheme and so on), so that the ‘who it is’ is recognisable. It’s the combination of your brand’s value and what your organisation has to offer. It’s what separates you from the competition and it needs to be memorable.


Using brand identity on a website


Your website is the perfect place to showcase your brand identity but it needs careful planning.

Consider what makes your brand memorable to your target customers and make sure you demonstrate this through the visual components and features on your website.

Focus on your core message. What is it – and how can you communicate this clearly and accurately? Think about the outcomes your potential customers desire when choosing your brand. Will your website appeal to their needs?


Imparting your brand identity well will encourage visitors to stay and engage with your product or service.



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Making it visual

l is important in brand identity, so make sure you stick with your logo, fonts and colour schemes throughout.

Make your logo stand out. It needs to be clearly visible – a high-quality image with plenty of white space around it. Check that your eye goes to it straight away on the webpage. Is it large enough? Is it in the right place? Is the colour saturation strong enough?

Choose images that reflect your brand values. If you can, use bespoke high-quality photos of your organisation – products, people, places. Make sure they’re relevant to the brand identity and that the colours harmonise.


Use brand identity to drive sales

Establishing a brand identity means you can highlight your CTAs (calls to action).

Use the brand identity to make your CTA (calls to action) stand out on the page. They should be free from clutter and the eye should be drawn to them. Brand the CTA buttons, too. Use colours, fonts and shapes that match your brand and brand the click buttons too. Make it easy for visitors to click!


In summary:


myCloud media’s brand identity service will:




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